Primary School Coordinator’s Message

Thank you students, staff and the community for all their efforts in Term 2 and for adhering to our school values. I look forward to more of the same for the remainder of the year.

NAPLAN: I am very proud of all our students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 for all their efforts and hard work towards completing their NAPLAN tests.

Entrance Exam Day: Thank you to all our parents and students who attended our entrance exam day on Saturday, 1 June. We have begun taking enrolments for 2020, so we encourage early enrolments to assist with our planning and the management of our total enrolment numbers. If you know anyone who may wish to enrol a child at our school, please encourage them to do so as early as possible, to ensure a place for them.

Teachers on Maternity Leave: We have had a baby boom at our campus! We wish Ms Gokce Aydin and Ms Erin Wyatt all the very best with their new bundles of joy. We look forward to meeting each one’s new baby.

Assembly: Our Primary assemblies will take place every second week (on an even week) Monday mornings. We do encourage all our parents and guardians to attend our assemblies where we celebrate our students’ achievements. At times their will also be performances. Thank you to all our teachers and students for their contributions.

School Tours for Prospective Parents and Students: I am so excited to announce that Primary school tours are conducted on Fridays. We have excellent new facilities and I am very happy to tour with parents. Please make an appointment with Ms Azra Vatic to organise a time to join our school tours.

SEQTA Requirements: Parents please update your personal information on SEQTA. Please advise relevant teachers of any medical issues. If your child requires any action plans please see Ms Marziah Mahmood at your earliest convenience.

Student Absence: ‘Everyday Counts’ We all know how important it is to be at school on a regular basis. It is vital for the consistency of learning that all students are present at school. Parents, if your children are absent from school you are required to provide a medical certification or an explanation for their absences. Please communicate with the children’s classroom teachers if there are any concerns.

I hope that everyone has a restful break and I look forward to seeing you all in Term 3.

Warmest regards,
Ms Ozlem Coskun